Tanya Howlett (Wodonga, Victoria, Australia)


Hey there, I’m Tanya

I have spent my working life (and lets be honest a good deal of my personal life) immersed in the amazing world of birth.  As a midwife I’ve been privileged enough to witness and be involved in more births than I can possibly count. I’ve seen the phenomenal strength and courage it takes to bring these tiny humans earth-side and every time I’m left with a sense of wonder and awe.

My strongest desire is that every woman and birth partner (or team) goes into their birth with the knowledge and the skills to feel confident, empowered and excited and comes out of it feeling ecstatic and proud of what they have achieved. OMP is a massive step towards this and I’m so incredibly happy that you have found your way here.

Together let’s harness your power and enhance you innate abilities to birth YOUR baby the way YOU want to.


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Tanya Howlett

Certifications: OMP educator, Endorsed Midwife, Registered Nurse

Mobile: +61 406 027 805

Email: bornbaremidwifery@outlook.com

Website: https://www.bornbaremidwifery.com/

Instagram: @bornbare_midwifery

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bornbaremidwifery