2.3 Asymmetry of the Femur


Asymmetry of the Femur whilst kneeling

The mother has her left leg is in less than 90 degree flexion and her right leg in a 90 degree flexion.


2.3 Asymmetry of the femur

Asymmetry of the femur uses:

  1. Both hip hip extension and flexion concurrently;

  2. Different degree of flexion from one leg to the other leg.

These movements causes both contranutation and nutation of the iliac and sacrum at the same time, hence modifying the opening of the pelvis both in the inlet pelvis on one side, and outlet pelvis on the other side.

Asymmetrical of the femur are great to use for all stages of labor to modify the pelvic openings and especially during the pushing stage to create more space within the outlet pelvis.

Asymmetry of the femur can be done in these OMP Active Birth Positions:

  • Standing supported with a birth rope or squat bar or supported by her birth partner - think a lunge (flexion) on one side and extension of the back leg or a warrior pose;

  • Sitting on a gym ball with one leg in a lunge (flexion) and the other in extension;

  • Kneeling or on ‘all-fours’ with with one leg in a lunge (flexion) and the other in extension

  • Side-Lying with one leg in a lunge (flexion) and the other in extension - the top leg can be supported with a peanut ball.

For OMP Active Birth Positions , OMP Pelvic Mobility Protocols and OMP Comfort Measures to be effective, it has to be done during contractions and used for 5-10 consecutive contractions to see if it is effective in enabling labor to progress.

Extreme hip flexion standing.jpg

Asymmetry of the femur whilst standing

This mother is utilizing several OMP Pelvic Mobility Protocols to modify her pelvic opening to create more space for her baby:
- Extreme Hip Flexion
- Asymmetry of the femur
- External Rotation of the femur

Lie Ying Asymmetry.jpg

Asymmetry of the femur whilst birthing

The mother has both legs in flexion asymmetrically and with her upper body leaning forward enables her to go into extreme flexion on both sides. This truly creates space in her outlet pelvis enabling her a smoother delivery.